German Title : Peter Riedel -Zehn bewegte Jahre ab 1937 – Aus dem Leben der Fliegerlegende


Peter Riedel was one of the pioneers of gliding and took part in the first Rhön competition for paragliders and gliders in 1920 at the age of fourteen. In 1933 he won the overall victory on Fafnir and in the same year was awarded the Hindenburg Cup for outstanding flying achievements over an entire year. In 1936, he left the increasingly militaristic, egalitarian Nazi Germany for South America because he “yearned for wider horizons”, unaware of how fatefully his life would soon be linked to this very Germany again.

Riedel remained faithful to gliding throughout his life. He kept returning to the Wasserkuppe into old age, most recently in the late 1980s.

His eventful life during the dark period of Nazi rule and in the turmoil of the post-war period is largely unknown, although the aviation literature author Martin Simons, in collaboration with the already very old Peter Riedel, wrote and published the book “German Air Attaché” in 1996, in which precisely this exciting, adventurous and also tragic story is told.

This translation makes the book available in German for the first time.

Remark for our English speaking customers. The original book was published by Airlife in 1996 is still available antiquarian. Its ISBN is 9781853108792

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German translation of the book by Martin Simons: Peter Riedel – German Air Attaché ; translation and editing: Peter Hadamczik-Trapp

564 pages

Size 15.5 cm x 21.5 cm / weight 970 g


Additional information

Weight 0,8 kg